How good is your book idea?

This free assessment will give you an honest take + your next steps to write a book you can be proud of.


You have a vision, some pages written, and now you’re starting to dream of seeing your book on the front tables of bookstores.

(Trust me, that’s a hell of a feeling!) And maybe you’re even imagining a star-studded silver screen adaptation (we all have that fantasy now and then, am I right?).

You also have your doubts.

You’ve succeeded in so many other endeavors, but when it comes to this book, you suspect you’re out of your depth and you’re asking:

  • Am I kidding myself?

  • Who am I to write this book?

  • Will anyone like it?

  • Where do I even start?

  • Will it be worth the time and energy?

By the end of this exercise, you’ll know whether it’s time to write this book already…or get off the pot. If you are onto something, you’ll get a next step to start on right away. If you’re not, that’s okay and I’ve got a suggestion for you too.


Writing an entire book is enormously time consuming and challenging,
so when you’re starting out, it can be hard to know if it will be worth the investment.

About me

I’m Tiffany Hawk, traditionally published author, freelancer for places like the New York Times, National Geographic Traveler, and NPR, and now I’m on a mission to help other writers.

My clients have landed agents and publishing deals with big New York houses (Hachette, Penguin Random House) and literary or niche presses (Unnamed Press, Steerforth, Oceanview, Travelers Tales); they’ve self published award-winning and Amazon bestselling books; and seen their stories in places like Harper’s, the Los Angeles Times, Narratively, McSweeney’s, and The Atlantic.

And we all started with vague ideas we weren’t sure had legs.

It’s time to stop waiting and wondering. This idea deserves your attention.


Take the assessment to find out how good your book is.

Advice for Writers